Heal with Juls:
Where Transformation Begins


Embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery at Heal with Juls. My approach transcends traditional methods, focusing on the union of body, mind, and spirit.

Exclusive Membership Program

Immerse yourself in our membership program, designed for those committed to a deeper wellness journey. Enjoy access to:

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  • Monthly One-on-One Breathwork: Personalized sessions with Julia tailored to your wellness goals.
  • Pre-Recorded Breathwork, Workout and Meditation Content: Access a diverse range of sessions at your convenience.
  • Monthly Live Workout Sessions: Join vibrant live classes blending strength, flexibility, and breathwork.
  • Monthly Meditation Workshops: Explore various meditation techniques in specialized workshops.
  • Journaling Prompts: Enhance your mindfulness journey with thoughtful prompts.
  • Holistic Wellness Tips and Recipes: Elevate your daily life with practical, wellness-focused advice and nourishing recipes for daily well-being.
  • Vibrant Live Community Access: Connect with like-minded individuals on similar paths.

Ready to embrace a fuller, more balanced life? Join our membership program and transform your approach to wellness.

Breathwork for Clarity and Calm

Experience transformation with our tailored Breathwork sessions at Heal with Juls. I offer a range of breathwork styles to suit your needs, available in individual, semi-group, and group formats, both online and in-person.

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  • Stress/Anxiety Relief Breathwork: Perfect for those seeking immediate relief from daily stressors and anxiety, this practice focuses on calming techniques to restore peace and balance.
  • Therapeutic Emotional Healing Breathwork: This deeper practice aims at emotional healing and personal growth, often leading to an altered state of consciousness for profound self-discovery.

Embark on your breathwork journey with us, in a setting that resonates with your personal healing path.

Yoga and Pilates for Strength and Balance With Integrated Breathwork

Seeking physical wellness and mental harmony? Yoga and Pilates classes provide a unique blend of strength-building, flexibility and pranayama ideal for those aspiring to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle

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  • Customized Class Formats: Experience 45-90 minute Yoga and Pilates classes in individual, semi-group, or group settings, available both online and in-person. Each class is tailored to fit your unique needs and wellness goals.
  • Varied Yoga Styles: Explore various yoga styles such as Vinyasa, Power Vinyasa, Hatha, and Yoga Sculpt. Each style is designed to enhance your flexibility, strength, and mental clarity.
  • Mat Pilates for Core and Posture: Focus on building core strength, creating long lean lines and improving posture through our Mat Pilates sessions, suitable for all levels.

In every class, breathwork is seamlessly integrated, enhancing your practice by connecting movement with mindful breathing, elevating the overall experience and benefits.

Meditation for Mindful Living

Overwhelmed by life’s pace? Meditation sessions help bring focus and clarity, guiding you to a state of mindfulness and present awareness.

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  • Customized Meditation Sessions: Tailored 30/45-minute meditation sessions offered in individual, semi-group, and group formats. Available both online and in-person, these sessions are designed to meet you where you are in your mindfulness journey.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Learn techniques to stay present and cultivate mindfulness in daily life, aiding in better decision-making and a more harmonious lifestyle.
  • Benefits of Meditation: Experience enhanced mental clarity, reduced stress and anxiety, improved emotional health, and increased self-awareness. Meditation aids in fostering a deeper connection with oneself and enhances overall wellbeing.

    In each session, our meditation practices are carefully designed to guide you towards mindfulness, enhancing your focus and awareness, and fostering a deeper connection with your inner self for improved well-being.

Corporate Programs

Boost your team's well-being and efficiency with Heal with Juls' Corporate Wellness Program.

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  • Designed to fit into the workplace, our programs, available both online and in-person, offer stress/anxiety relief, therapeutic emotional healing and enhanced focus tailored for the corporate environment.
  • Through calming techniques and deeper practices aimed at personal growth, our sessions foster clarity, calm, and productivity, contributing to a healthier, more focused team.

Elevate your corporate wellness strategy and empower your team with the transformative power of breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness.

"Partnering With Julia for Breathwork Over the Last Few Months Has Been Transformative"

"Before, I felt lost, like I was wandering through an endless maze. Julia's insightful guidance illuminated my path, helping me reconnect with lost aspects of myself. The journey has been empowering; I've gained newfound confidence, explored deep-seated issues and found clarity in areas I thought were beyond my reach. Our sessions provide a nurturing space for release and reflection. For anyone considering breathwork with Julia, believe me: it's a profound experience. Heal with Juls has opened doors to self-discovery and healing that I never knew existed. I'm deeply grateful for her expertise, patience, and heartfelt support."

Connie S

"Julia's Guidance Transformed My Body, Mind, and Soul"

"Julia's unique techniques have led me to discover new aspects of wellness and personal growth. Her approach, combining breathwork with self-care and mindfulness, has brought daily balance and harmony into my life. I'm immensely grateful for the resilience and clarity I've gained, making Julia's guidance essential for anyone seeking a comprehensive path to well-being"

Valentina M

"There are Not Enough Good Things I Can Say About Julia"

"Working through meditative practices and breath work with Julia is comfortable and easy. Julia creates a safe space for you to be okay with being vulnerable and guides you through the practice in the most beautiful way. Julia`s calming voice and energy is a big reason why I love working with her so much. Julia was able to help me bring to surface some very important topics that I’ve been needing to deal with and helped me get through them. If you are considering working with Julia, I highly recommend that you do. You will not regret it"

Sarah L

"At Heal With Juls, I Found Transformative Healing and Significant Stress Relief Through Julia’s Breathwork Sessions"

"This experience has enhanced my personal well-being and work performance. Julia's personalized and effective approach makes her services invaluable, not only for individuals but also for teams seeking wellness. I wholeheartedly recommend Julia for anyone on a path to holistic healing."

Pranam L

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